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still a nice game, but as long as I didn't made a mistake, it still has some bugs but that should be normal.  I definitely keep an eye on it.

can you report what bug was ?

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What I still remember is, in the potion room more than one slime I wasn't able to put in the middle then nothing,  I think I was able to see the drunk teacher on the wrong day too.

I wasn't able to escape the massagin scene on the pool, it just repeated itself.

thank you so much, will be fix


Hey, como vão as coisas? Não sei se lembra, mas sou aquele cara que te ajudou na tradução do jogo lá no comecinho, dei uma sumida porque estou bem mais ocupado. Espero que dê tudo certo.


opa tudo bom mano ? vao bem, fico muito grato a epoca que voce me ajudou, espero que goste do rumo que o jogo esta tomando.


tudo sim, to curtindo seus jogos, dá pra ver claramente que você tá evoluindo bastante


a proxima atualização vem com uns negocio legal

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can you try and activate it for the app if it works? It helped to mention it sometimes. Häh? is it a reupload?

no, this its a a update, go to 0.3 to 0.4

Maybe I haven't understood something yet, why did it say 14 hours ago  on the information page? isn't that showing when it released? I have to see how that looked again. I though that was where I see how old a game is and stuff.